
PLEASE ADVICE: Who Do I Report My Husband’s Excess Demand For S ex To?

From a female  readersad Black-woman-laying-in-bed
My husband’s sex ual libido is so high that as his wife, I am exhausted and tired. He demands for se x from me like every other day and my refusal has caused issues between us.
It is not like I am trying to run away from my marital duties but sometimes I just need him to understand that the rigors of work and taking care of our three little children takes its toll on me and se x is sometimes the last thing on my mind.
I might just want to rest and as hardened a he is, even when he sees that I climb the bed by 11.30pm and I am to wake up by 5.30am to start preparing the children for school, he doesn’t care and still demands s ex from me.
I am Tired. Now I am thinking if I should talk to my Pastor or his Father so that they can talk to him for me. Is this a right or wrong move?

PLEASE HELP! ‘I Gave Him Se x For A Place To Live, But He Wants My Daughters As Se x Slaves Too’

She traded her body for a roof over her head.
But the man never honoured his side of the deal and now he is making new demands.
“If I want my daughters to live with me in the house they have to agree to have s ex with this man.”
The 55-year-old woman from Misavanini near Thulamahashe, Bushbuckridge, Limpopo said: “I could continue to be the s ex slave of a man that I don’t even love, but I love my daughters too much.”
The woman told Daily Sun she hasn’t had a permanent address for years.
“I’ve been kicked out so many times because I just couldn’t keep up with payments. I’m unemployed,” she said.
“So I went against my morals and started sleeping with this man for a place to stay. But now he has turned his back on me.”
 sad crying woman
She said the man (65) moved her and her two daughters into a house that was for sale. He said he would buy the house. That was six weeks ago but he never paid the R12 000, leaving her with a terrible choice.
He says I should move in with him at his house without my daughters,” she said. Her daughter of 13 is in grade 7 and the 23-year-old is unemployed.
“When I told him I couldn’t leave my children behind he said they could move in as well, but only if they agreed to have s ex with him.”
The woman and her two daughters are still in the house, but soon they will have to move out again.
“To neglect them for a selfish man that I don’t even love would be the cruellest thing and I can’t force them to sleep with him,” she said
The man said he didn’t see anything wrong with his proposal.
“We are both elderly people. We can take good care of each other in our old age,” he said.
“However, if I must live in a house with other women they must belong to me too. If she wants me to help her daughters, they must help me the same way she does, and that means s exually.”

Ladies!!! 3 quick signs that tell you he will be TERRIBLE in bed

You can’t fuck them all to know who will satisfy you, but these 3 thingsshould help you decide who to take to bed.
Almost all men think they will rock your world if only you give them the chance. If you are looking to have a toe-curling, orgasm -inducing time, it is not possible to give them all a chance to know if they are capable.
Simply look out for these 3 things below.
Too much talk: Most guys will blab your ears off about how much of a sex stud they are.  They give you examples of ‘satisfied customers’, and are usually the first to send you dick pics. But sometimes, these men are trying to convince themselves as much as they are trying to convince you. Only an insecure person who go on bragging about it. And you should know, an insecure person is usually insecure in bed. He will be so worried about what you think of him that he won’t completely let go and drive you crazy. That does not sound good, does it? So, beware of the talkers because a man who will rock your world will focus more on seducing you and wooing you, rather than overhyping himself. Another thing about the talkers, if you choose to believe their every word (‘I can go all night’, ‘I give the best head,’ etc) you will find that they have raised such an extreme expectations for themselves that there is no way in the world the real experience will meet them. This will leave you disappointed at the end of the day either way.
Bad dancer: If you guys hang out together and you are still unsure, take him somewhere you will be able to see his moves. You could a club or party, just make sure he gets to move his body. He does not have to be the best dancer, but if his moves are controlled and smooth, then you are golden. If he seems awkward, fidgety, fumbling, all over the place, well.. let’s just say you wouldn’t want that fumbling his way around your vagina.
Terrible seduction moves: A man who knows how to talk to a lady must have quite a lot of notches in his bedpost. A guy who has that much experience has to have picked a few tricks and tips along the way. So, maybe you are not sure how many ladies he has been with, but you should know if his seduction moves are on point. He should be able to move you with his words. He should know the right things to say to get your attention. He should kiss you and make you swoon. He should be confident when he is talking to you, without being arrogant. A guy who has got the moves is very likely to treat you to a mouth-watering, unforgettable experience.

Guys! Touch these 6 places and she will beg for more

For the most part, the vast majority of the men like to touch the breast, vagina, and butt of the ladies. In any case, they are dismissing the other touchy parts that induce ladies and give a considerable measure of cheerful minutescouple kiss

Neckline Bone:

Collarbone is extremely s3xy part on ladies. So
For the most part, the vast majority of the men like to touch the breast, vagina, and butt of the ladies. In any case, they are dismissing the other touchy parts that induce ladies and give a considerable measure of cheerful minutes.
On the off chance that you touch these parts amid the sex or foreplay, she will get in the state of mind and feel special.Think no all the more a ladies’ abyss, and search the erogenous recognizes that will get more eager to your woman.


Men continually drawing into their flawless looks, so only this reason ladies are exceptionally accentuated about her hairdresser look. Hair wash, shading, trim and styling these procedures might be stopped anxiety reliever. Running your fingers easily through her hair this is a legitimate approach to sending shivers down her spine.
why not show your best for this excellence with touching and kissing? Pay assimilation to this life systems designation while she’s still totally dressed, unfastening her shirt reserved bottomless to recognize the clavicle and no further. You ought to return to this part when the garments have completely vanished too to help her to remember the expectation it makes when you began there.

Ear cartilage:

Upbeat component for your ladies will touch, kissing daintily gnawing ear projections. This fragile, smooth flaps are extremely touchy and the vast majority of the young ladies experience for appreciating the impression of having man lips on them. You ought to abstain from sticking your tongue inside her ear, attempting to do snack around the outside her ear.

Scruff of her neck:

When you go to the scruff of her neck, stay there a couple of minutes and spot few kisses there. In old Japan, the ladies’ back neck resembled as extremely alluring by men, so this is one of only a handful few spot not secured by any material. In stylish times, the scruff of the neck is generally disregarded for a lot of clear delight focuses, however never thinks little of the office of mellow touches and kisses from her hairline to her shoulders.

Inward Thighs:

Touching her adjoining thighs subsequent to wandering into the vag1nal broadness will fulfill for an achieved exasperate that is tolerating to get her revved up. Utilize your effortlessly and gap to nestle and kiss the stomach area of her thighs, tolerating excruciatingly adjoining to her definitive diversion spot, yet issues aback in advance of action the distance.Pelvis:
Focusing some love on her stomach area is a bounteous thought, be that as it may, you’ll acknowledge withstanding the craving to blooper base word to her vag1na while you’re so close. Like, burden her nearby thighs, kissing and beating about her abd0men will quicken her until she’s allurement for additional.
Drag out the mindfulness by revocation the stadium to concentrate on expansion life structures portion for some time.


Sad Story – See How This Pretty Died After Sle.eping With Alhaji And His Monkey

Cynthia, as we gathered, was picked up by an Alhaji, and after they had fun, he took her to his guest house, and gave her $2000 to suck and sleep with his monkey. She refused at first but after looking at the money again, she concurred.
cynthia pretty lady
After the ordeal the alhaji went to drop her and drove off and few hours later she started complaining of stomach ache, she thought it was a normal thing, but from the few things we gathered from the source, few hours later, maggots started coming out from her pr!vate parts; her friend tried to rush her to the hospital but it was too late.She died before they could do anything.
‘It is true the poverty level of the country is driving everyone mad, but Nigerian ladies need to be careful with some extremities in their search for a means of livelihood’.So much information wasn’t released concerning the lady, and it’s very understandable judging by the circumstances surrounding her death. Prayer is for her to find rest, even in death.


Please Read: Am 15yr old Girl, my boyfriend Beats Me everyday but i still love Him

Her name is Kanya Woodard and according to the story, she was attacked and badly beaten by her 28 year old boyfriend, who is an unknown Chicago rapper.
Am 15yr old girl
The girl reportedly ran away from home to live with the guy and this happened to her. See more after the cut…

Wow!!! Instagram Model Shows off Her Massive Ukwu.

How many of you guys can resist this massive bakassi displayed by one of the most popular Instagram models. I wonder if this thing is real. I guess the only way to ascertain that is if one can touch.fake ass

Nigeria Blue Film ? See What This Actors And Actress Did in This Movie

nollywood actress actin blue movie 
Wonders Shall Never end!! Is now official that Nollywood now allows different kind of movies without and regulatory body going through it before is launched to the public. Here is a trailer of a movie called Bold 5. The film is about some group of young girls whom on their quest to make money and own a blackberry bold 5 goes into many evil act..Most of the scene in the video shows its full adult films…
Watch the video below and tell me what this the way forward? 

LADIES: Top 4 Reasons Why a Nigerian Man Will Not Give You Head

head under skirt
We are long past the time where men consider the idea of performing oral se x on a woman strange and needless.

Considering the fact that women are more likely to achieve orgasm through oral se x as opposed to penetrative se x, a man who does not go down will probably have a partner who has never achieve orgasm with his help.
Knowing this, there are still a few things that will prevent men from giving their partners ‘head’. On a scale of manageable to major dealbreaker (Hell No!), here is a countdown of the top reasons why Nigerian men would rather not go down.

1. Bad hygiene

The number one reason he will not go down on you is hygiene.  If your va gina looks, smells or taste funky, he will absolutely not go near it with his mouth. In fact, about 95 percent of men we questioned have given ‘odour’ as their biggest oral s@x dealbreaker.
2. Will not be reciprocated
The second most popular reason Nigerian men gave for not wanting to perform oral se x is if it is not reciprocated. He is less likely to eat you out if you are not willing to give him a bl()w job. Most men are big fans of bl()w jobs, and he will not consider performing oral se x of you if he has not gotten one or the chance to receive is very unlikely.

3. Intimacy level

Another major reason men do not perform oral se x is when they do not feel an adequate level of intimacy and connection with their partner. Some men are unlikely to go down on a woman they just met or on a woman they consider a stranger.

4. Not Attractive

The least likely reason, although a reason nonetheless, that men would not perform oral se x is attractiveness. Men are visual creatures and if he does not feel se xually attracted to you, it will affect how hard he will try to please you. If you expect oral se x from your man and he keeps saying ‘no’ it might be because he does not find you attractive enough. Oral se x is a selfless act and it takes a man who is willing to put your pleasure first to give you that special loving.

WATCH VIDEO: 10 Things Men Find Unattractive In Women

Avoid these 10 things that men find unattractive.

§  Women seem to notice everything that is “wrong” with another
woman. They can easily spot any makeup disaster, ugly hairdo or tacky outfit. But what about men? Will those who understand nothing of fashion or feminine things also notice when a woman is ill-groomed?
The answer is yes. Most men can tell when a woman is trying too hard and not pulling something off. Here are 10 things they hate most:

§  1. Extreme hairstyles

A woman with hair full of volumizing product and variously placed bobby pins walks into the room. You think she will attract the attention of all the men at the party. Will it attract attention? Yes, but I doubt if any man wants to get near that rat’s nest for any other reason than to see what is holding all of it up. Most men prefer long, loose, soft and silky hair, not sticky hairspray and hard gels.

§  2. Masked faces

Foundation is used to hide imperfections, fine lines and blemishes. However, it should be applied as a thin, even layer, and in a shade that blends right in to your skin. Overuse can make it look like you came out with a layer of clay on your face. When applied correctly, no one should be able to tell that you are hiding imperfections on your face. Remember, less is always more.

§  3. Sticky eyelashes

You know that effect when a woman uses too much mascara — her eyelashes all stick together and smear black with each blink. Nothing about that look is attractive. Use good quality mascara that dries quickly and does not smudge. After applying, use an eyelash brush to remove any excess off of your lashes. Men love beautiful and expressive eyes, free of black clumps.

§  4. Too much glitter

If you are not a professional makeup artist, it is probably best to stick to the matte shadows. They adhere better and are less likely to concentrate in the crease of your eyelid.

§  5. Yellow teeth and bad breath

Yellow teeth and bad breath are not attractive to anyone. If you struggle in this area, you should realize that the source of the problem is probably found in poor hygiene. Or maybe you need to cut back on the coffee, black tea or red wine, or lose the cigarettes. Whatever it is, address the source of your problem, and try adding whitening toothpaste and dental floss to brighten your smile. Lozenges or sugar-free breath sprays also help a lot.

§  6. Lack of body care

Poorly manicured nails, hairy legs and unshaven armpits are major turn-offs for men. Poor personal hygiene cannot be hidden by makeup and nice clothes.

§  7. Dry or oily skin

Yes, men notice. The sight of a dried heel, oily face or peeling skin is a warning to “back off.” Don’t expect to turn him on with cracked lips.

§  8. Primping in public

Men are not interested in knowing your tricks to become more attractive. Put on your makeup at home and don’t fuss over it in public.

§  9. Dark lips

Lipstick is a great tool to make your lips more beautiful and defined. But beware, if misused, the lip liner pencil can become your enemy. When going out for dinner, use a lipstick and liner close to the color of your lips. Dark lipstick colors have the awful tendency to smudge onto your teeth while you are talking or eating — not a pleasant sight for those who are watching. Also, remember that dark lip liner paired with lighter lipstick leaves an aged appearance.

§  10. Perfume overload

Excesses are always a bad idea. Remember, the more expensive the perfume, the less you should use. The cheaper the perfume, the less you should use. So try to put a drop only in certain points such as the neck, behind the ears and wrists. A little bit of a good perfume is plenty.

Watch Vdeo: 8 Tricks to Make Him Miss You

Below are eight (8) tricks to make your guy miss you at all times.

1. Leave a little mystery

I know what you may think: “I’ve been in a relationship for years, how can I leave any sort of mystery?” The great news is that you can. Sure, it’s easier to be mysterious in the beginning of a new relationship, yet you can suddenly change your behavior and make him think about you and crave you.
If you just started dating a new guy, tell him about yourself only the details he should know but no more. Guys lose their interest when they know everything about girls. Leave a little mystery and he will want to spend more time with you. Guys love challenges, girls.

2. Don’t be clingy

If you think he will miss you after dozens of your texts and calls, you are mistaken. Don’t be over-available. Keep a little distance. Show him that you have hobbies, priorities and other things to do. He should know that you have parents and friends to meet and hang out with. Be more independent and he will try to win your mind and heart so that you have more time to spend with him.

3. Clothing and fragrance

Nowadays, everyone keeps saying, “Dress to impress.” Even though what you wear means a lot, there’s a little, sneaky weapon that you can use to make him crave you. Lovely and unique fragrance is what you need to leave behind your alluring scent on his body and in his mind. Make sure your hair is clean because dirty hair smells horribly.

4. Don’t respond at once

You don’t have to wait an hour to text him back or play hard to get when he asks you out on a coffee date. Sometimes it takes a few minutes to make a guy think and worry that you will say ‘no.’ This way, he will miss your texts and voice, and will think more carefully before asking you out on a date. Don’t overdo it, though. Otherwise, he may think you are too cold and not interested in him anymore.

5. Look happy

Life is full of stress, obstacles and problems. Chances are your guy is trying to cope with hard times and the last thing he wants to hear is your complaint and to see is your unhappy face. Look happy and stay positive and your guy will want to spend more time with you. Guys have a tendency to build relationships with positive girls. If you are not the one, it’s time to change your mindset.

6. Kiss

Learn how to be a great kisser and your guy will never want to kiss another girl. Moreover, he will want to kiss you again and again and will use every possibility to meet you. The same goes to sex. If you are good in bed, take advantage of it. This trick is particularly effective for a long-distance relationship.

7. Don’t let him relax

When your guy knows that you love him, crave him, want him and can’t imagine your life without him, he may simply relax and stop putting his efforts into your relationship. Challenge him but do it secretly. However, don’t sit still too. Be unpredictable. Wow him with a romantic dinner, a love letter or a little gift.

8. Make his favorite meals

They say, the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. Want to seduce him? Cook his favorite meals or any other meals that are incredibly delicious. Believe it or not food plays a crucial role in love. It can either strengthen or ruin your relationship. So ladies, grab your cookbook and start experimenting.
Guys are complicated at times. However, a smart woman knows how to make any guy miss her. Give your guy space and he will want to fill it with your texts, calls, kisses and meals. Use these tricks and hopefully your significant other will always be crazy about you.

EXPOSED: WATCH her leaked video: Lagos Female doctor having s@x in the Clinic!!

Watch what this shameless so-called doctor is doing right in the office. What a shame!

I AM AVAILABLE: Get my contact...

I am girl of 21 years and I am looking for a
handsome guy to be in a serious relationship with.


A female twitter user has stunned everyone when she shared a screenshot of how much she and her friends made from prostituting. The Vietnamese-Chinese twitter user, Tram, had a large amount of money ($67, 865 that’s about 23,115,000 naira) display in which she claimed she and her friends made from their sugar daddies in just 2 days. Hehe!



D0WNLO@D V!D3O: See H0w B0y Squeezes G!Rlfriends B00bs In Publ!C

Why would  a g!rl allow his b0yfriend or husband handle her like this in publ!c... See what happened next.

MUST READ FOR ALL MATURED MINDS (18+): See How many $exual spots (G-Spots) a Woman has

There are lots of controversies about the many spots in a woman’s body; how many are they? What are their functions? Are these spots real? Well, there are many s*xual zones in a woman’s body
but only one spot is recognized by s*xologists and medical personnel and that is called the ‘G-spot.
Yes the G-spot, what on earth is so extraordinary about the G-spot area? A lot! Yes, every woman has one. To achieve the G-spot paradise, all you need is information. And today, I am going to give you the details of how you can utilize the stimulating power of G-spot to boost your s*x life as a couple.

Even if you have not explored its exclusive power, you must have heard about the G-spot and all its intricacies. The spot is an erogenous zone located inside the vag*na. It can produce some pretty intense sensations.

At the same time, it can also produce extreme frustrations, disappointment and dissatisfaction because it is, for many women, elusive and mysterious. Although the whole notion of the G-spot is hardly new, s*x researchers and therapists have been flaunting it for years in the medical field, though skeptical about whether it really exists.

The G-spot is a real part of the female anatomy. This fact is newly documented in MRI scan and biopsies by medical doctors. Thanks to this new research, one can now realize that every girl is capable of experiencing more concentrated s*xual pleasure and powerful orgasm.

There are disagreements about the actual size of the G-spot. It ranges from a quarter inch to a couple of inches along the upper walls of the vag*na; about an inch or two past the female vaginal opening. Underneath are highly sensitive tissues that, when touched the right way, trigger feelings of se.xual happiness and contentment.

The G-spot sensation, as described by most women, is more intense than those sensations they feel via clitoral stimulation. According to most of those women, there is more of a warm flushing feeling that resonates deeply through and throughout their entire body.

Even experts who always believed in the G-spot were not sure whether it was a distinct gland or merely a collection of nerve endings extending from the underside of the clitoris. Here is what researchers are sure of: G-spot is its own entity and is actually equivalent to an organ in the body.

This is known as female prostrate because their tissues surround an area that produces chemicals similar to that of male prostrate, a gland that creates fluids to nourish the sperm. Another similarity between the male prostate gland and the G-spot is that when the G-spot is aroused, women experience wetness more than they do during other types of stimulation. Some women disclosed that they ejaculate some clean, clear, colourless fluid when they reach 0rgasm.

Where and how to locate the G-spot? First and foremost, all you need to do as a wife is to lie back and just relax; embarking on your first G-spot mission location can really be wearisome and it will definitely take a lot of patience and persistence. Locating where it is can be done in two ways.

Mercy Johnson Shares Adorable Photos Of RMD And Her Daughter To Mark His Birthday

Popular Nollywood actor, Richard Mofe-Damijo popularly known as RMD turned a year older today and several of his colleagues and friends have taken to social media to celebrate him on this special day.
In celebration, Mercy Johnson took to her Instagram page to share an adorable photo collage of the actor and her daughter.
They both looked adorable in the photo.
Happy Birthday to RMD.

Linda Ikeji Shares Photo Of Man Kissing Her Cheek; Reveals She ‘Loves Him’ (Photos)

Popular blogger, Linda Ikeji is definitely one celebrity that her fans can’t wait for her to get married and several jokes, memes and chastisements has been received by her over the years over her being single.

The blogger caused a mild drama among her fans when she shared a throwback photo with an old friend, Andy Ogbechi who is a model and used to work with her from back in the day.

Then she shared another of them together while he gave her a peck taking recently.
She gushed about him with the captions and captioned the throwback photo with:

W@tch/D0wnlo@d V!de0 of the SHOCKING Confession Of A 16-yr-Old Nigerian Girl : ‘I Cannot Do Without $ex Daily’

A 10-year old girl who was a victim of se.xual abuse has made a shocking confession, saying
that she cannot do without having s.ex with men daily.
She narrated how an old man, who was their neighbour at Mile 12, Lagos State, southwest Nigeria, lured her into s.ex at seven and since then she cannot resist having se.x everyday.
The primary two pupil said if she did not see any man to have se.x with her in her area, she would go to a popular under bridge at Mile 12 Lagos and beg for s.ex from touts.
She said she came from Enugu state to Lagos to live with her aunt after the death of her father.
Her case has become so serious that she had to be referred to an NGO, Community Health Support and Empowerment Initiative, COHSAEI, which has taken up the challenge to rehabilitate her.
The little girl said she was lured into se.x by a man she called Baba who lived with her aunt in the same compound.





University Of Nigeria, Nsukka Student Posts Unclad Pictures On Social Media

The popular student of UNN released these photos recently.
Is is proper for her to have done this? What's your take?

Unbelievable! $ee Y0ung Niger!an G!rl who P0st After $*x V!deo With B0yfr!end on Faceb00k

 A young Nigerian girl has made a daring post on Faceb00k after having s*x with her boyfriend and it has
got people talking. 

The young girl identified as Teddy Skitt on Facebook, stunned social media users when she posted a video of herself and her boyfriend after they had both spent the night together.

The young girl shared the short video earlier today and got some people seriously complaining about it.

Teddy, who hails from Imo State but lives in Port Harcourt explained that the young man beside her in the video "made her night"

She captioned the video thus: "Good morning. Boo made my night. I love u baby"

Many Facebo0k users have att@cked the young girl for making such suggestive posts on a place as public as Facebo0k.




Some people are so afraid of making mistakes, it stops them committing to a relationship even
when they have found the perfect guy. They think about it, they worry about it, they ask their friends about it, and then, before they get around to doing something about it, their perfect man has got tired of waiting and gone on his way! If that sound like it could be you, and you haven’t yet realized that you are onto a good thing, here are ten of the signs that will tell you have found a wonderful guy and you really should do all you can to hold on to him.
1. He makes you feel safe
One of the best things about meeting the right kind of guy is that you know you will be safe when he’s around. He doesn’t need to be built like a pro wrestler to make you feel like that, it’s just the feeling you get when he puts his arms around you. You know that he would never hurt you and that he would do all he can to stop anyone else hurting you.
2. He loves you for who you are
If you have found a man who you feel comfortable with all the time, and who loves even your weirdest traits, then you’ve found a man who’s worth hanging on to. No one can be perfect all the time and a guy you should never let go is one who loves you just as much when you aren’t at your best as he does when you are on top form.
3. He knows his way around the kitchen
He may not be able to rustle up a fine dining experience, but if knows how to scramble a few eggs, it’s always a bonus. If you know that a man can help out in the kitchen, and with other chores, you know that you won’t be left doing it all, and that’s got to be a few more points in this guy’s favour.
4. He has ambition 
Another good sign that you have found a great guy is that he is ambitious and he has plans for the future. If you are going to keep him around, then you want to know that he has some drive and that he has dreams. It’s his ambition that will take you to exciting places and his ambition will inspire you to greater things as well.
5. He treats you with respect
A wonderful guy will always treat you with respect. He would never do anything to hurt to you and he will never put you down. He also keeps his promises and he treats you like a lady. Respect is an essential part of a relationship. If he shows you the respect and treats you right now, it’s a good sign that he will keep on doing that in the future too.
6. You trust him
Honesty is the other big thing that will tell you have found a good man. If you have never had any reason to doubt him and you know he would never lie to you, then this is a man that you will want to keep. People who are honest about the little things are usually trustworthy when it comes to the more important ones as well.
7. Your family like him
We’ve moved on from the days of a man having to ask the father’s permission to marry the daughter, but if your dad and the rest of the family like your guy, that’s always a good sign. You may not always agree with your parents, but they probably do only have your best interest at heart. They also see things in your boyfriends that you might not, simply because they have been around for a lot longer than you have.
8. He’s not scared off when you are unwell
When your nose is running and you have cold sores all around your mouth, a good man that is worth keeping will stay with you and take care of you. He is also very understanding, when it comes to your periods, and he doesn’t run a mile because he thinks you might get a bit cranky. He might not fully understand how you are feeling, but he’ll do his best to make you feel better.
9. You can talk to him
If a guy is worth keeping then he’s got to be able to listen to you and you have to feel that you can talk to him about anything. He will also be able to open up to you too. A good man will always respect your right to privacy, but he will always be there for you when you do need to talk.
10. He always stands up for you
He will also stand up for you, even when he thinks you are wrong. If you have a man that is always there for you, always fights your corner, and supports you, then you’d better not let him go. Being in a good relationship means that you never have to face things alone, so hang on to a guy who backs you up every time, because he’s worth his weight in gold!