

If you’ve been single for a while and just can’t seem to meet nice, single guys who are
on your level, you might be thinking there is something wrong with you. But the reality is that you might just be looking in all the wrong places.
A few years ago, I used to assume that there was only one place to meet a guy – the bar. I pictured myself sat forlornly at a table with a glass of wine, looking thoroughly bored, down on my heels and in need of a pick-me-up – but also vaguely mysterious enough for a guy to find me intriguing. As such, I thought that guys would hover over to me, we’d start chatting, swap numbers and live happily ever after.
Unfortunately, that type of scenario existed only in my head. Guys don’t always hover over in bars – they stumble, and occasionally fall.
Although people do meet in bars, it’s just so hit and miss. You could go out for eight Saturdays on the bounce and meet no one, or you could get lucky the first time around. Because it’s such a lottery, there has to be an easier, more practical way to meet eligible guys, right ladies?
Well, it turns out that there are ten of them. Let’s take a peek.
Ask Your Friends
Yup, the time has come for you to finally ask your friends if they know anyone you’d be interested in, and who’d be interested in you back. Although you’ve probably already spent a lot of time batting away your patronising friends who want to introduce you to Glenn from HR because they feel so sorry for you, now is the time for you to ask ‘em what they’ve got.
But because you’re essentially putting your love life in the hands of someone else, it’s important that you ask the right friend. Ask someone who knows you inside out, and who is very perceptive. Moreover, take a look at their boyfriend. If you find their boyfriend cool and attractive, it means they’ve got similar taste in men to you.
Dog Parks
If you’ve got a dog, walking it to your local park is a great way to meet guys who are out wit their dogs.
If you’ve not got a dog – get one.
Or borrow one.
But don’t steal one. You’re only going to get off to a bad start if you strike up a conversation.
“Sure, this poodle is mine. I don’t know why those cops are calling me over.”
Online Dating
Even in 2016 when Twitter is celebrating its tenth birthday and your grandmother has a Facebook account people are still sceptical about online dating. They say that “it doesn’t work”, “it’s not real”, and “you need to meet someone in real life.”
You know? All those people are wrong.
There are numerous free online dating sites out there which are home to hundreds of thousands of eligible men who are just waiting for you get in touch with them. You can search by city, type, age and so on. More and more people are now meeting online, and your perfect guy could be just a few clicks away.
Go To A Soccer Game
You might not like soccer, but there are literally thousands of guys at soccer games – and just a handful of women. This means you’ve got a rather excellent chance of meeting an attractive guy.
Naturally, you’ll need to read up about the game beforehand so that you can start and hold a conversation with a soccer geek. After all, you don’t want to be caught short when they ask you who your team is and you answer “the LA Lakers.” That just won’t cut it, my friend.
If you don’t fancy soccer, why not try rugby? The pubs will be packed, and there will be guys everywhere. Cricket is another good one!
Networking Events
If there’s a networking event in your local area centred around something you’re interested in – such as filmmaking, business, finance, writing and so on – why not pop along and see who you can meet? You never know, you might bag yourself a date.
Night College
Of course, you can either go to night school or or day school, but if you’ve got a hectic home and work life to juggle, night college represents an ace place to meet like-minded guys.
All you need to do is pick a topic you’re interested in, pay the fees and you’re away. And even if you don’t meet a new man, you at least get to acquire a new skill. WIN.
Car Shows
If you know of a classic car show near you, you could do a lot worse than popping along to see what it’s all about. Even if cars are not really your thing, you should know that there’ll be a lot of male petrol-heads there who will be dying to meet a girl they can impress with their wheels and knowledge.
Sure, you might get roped into hearing about such foreboding and complex terms as “nought-to-sixty” and “brake horse power”, but you might also meet a really dreamy guy who drives a Mercedes and is looking for a new woman.
Sci-Fi Conventions
Perhaps you’re more into soccer than you are into sci-fi, but that doesn’t matter.
Why? Because sci-fi conventions are a GREAT way to meet single guys no matter what you’re interests are. As long as you’ve heard of Batman and can ask a few questions about comics, guys will take an interest in you.
And who said geeky guys aren’t hot?
Job Change
Although you definitely shouldn’t tell the hiring manager that you want to change jobs because “I WANT TO MEET A NEW MAN,” changing career is certainly something you should consider if you hate your current job and all the guys are either boring, weird or married.
A job change could mean a new you, and it gives you a chance to better yourself, and also a chance to meet new men. There are various careers you can try, but it’s important that you also consider something that matches your skill-set.
Just don’t enter a female-dominated sector, such as hairdressing!
Karaoke Nights
Karaoke nights with your friends are a great way to meet guys. Just picture it: You’ve impressed him with your Beyonce imitation, and now he wants you to duet with him on Up Where We Belong.

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